Low-Cost Tips to Sell Your Home Fast Enhance your home's value by investing time and money in minor projects that will boost your home's appeal.

Neutralize Your Home

To sell your home quickly and appeal to the largest possible buying segment, keep colors in mind when painting or replacing carpeting. These improvements can net big benefits in a raised sale price.

-- Expose hardwood floors. The popularity of hardwood floors is undeniable and can drastically raise your asking price.

-- Install beige carpet if you don't have hardwood floors. This investment can make a home seem fresher.

-- Avoid non-mainstream colors on your walls. If you have a vibrant hue, consider painting over it in a neutral shade.

-- Choose colors that are soft and easy on the eye. White walls are not acceptable in today's market. Tan is the new neutral that most homeowners prefer and it can make a space seem newer, larger, and more expensive looking.

-- Take down wallpaper or borders. They are like pieces of art; it might not be to everyone's taste.

Complete Needed Repairs

If something needs repair, fix it. Chances are you've become accustomed to these flaws, but a homebuyer won't be. Owner neglect will only lower the asking price or lengthen the time required to sell.

-- Ask a Realtor to go through your home and point out what repairs need to be done to the home before it goes on the market.

-- Make needed repairs to your home before the first open house to save you stress and money in the long run.

-- Have everything up to date. Homebuyers often require that an inspector go through the home, so it's wise to already be one step ahead of the game.

-- Keep your home in tip-top shape with everyday upkeep and cleaning to make your home look better for the sale.

-- Make safety repairs. Fix uneven or badly cracked cement on the front walk, repair loose railings, and replace broken windows and panes that can raise security issues.

Minimize Clutter

An organized home will help buyers see its potential while also giving rooms a more spacious feel.

-- Make your home look like a model house. Comb through it and pitch anything you don't need or that isn't going with you to the new home.

-- Pack away unsightly or distracting items that are not necessary for the sale. This includes toys, out-of-season clothing, and everything on kitchen counters.

-- Have a garage sale. Sell items that won't fit with the size or style of your new home.

-- Store extra furniture in a storage unit or at a relative's home. Today's furniture pieces are very large and can dwarf a room.

-- Make your rooms feel larger. A quick rearrange can do the trick.

Create Curb Appeal

If your home is unappealing on the outside, it will only make people wonder about what's inside. To get people in the door, you'll need to update your home's exterior.

-- Cut and trim all trees and bushes. Don't let a shadowy or overgrown landscape distract from your home's beauty.

-- Welcome potential buyers with a pot of flowers on the doorstep. If you have a porch or a deck, stage them with pots of flowers and arrange furniture in a way that is welcoming.

-- Clean and paint doors if necessary.

-- Keep the grass nicely trimmed. A well-groomed lawn can be a major face lift for your outdoor area and a welcoming first impression, plus it doesn't cost you anything.

Update Your Kitchen

As it is often referred to as "The Heart of the Home," it is understood why special attention must be given to this space.

-- Change out handles and knobs. Brass or silver finishes are most popular in homes today and can drastically update the look of your cabinets.

-- Paint chipped or outdated cupboards and clean the floors. An immaculate kitchen is a sure selling point.

-- Reduce clutter. Clean counters of small appliances, food, and papers to maximize the appearance of workspaces.

-- Keep appliances spotless. Clean off the top of the refrigerator and the handles on your refrigerator, dishwasher, and oven.

Add Finishing Touches

You're almost ready for your first open house, but before you let anyone walk through those doors, spruce up and take care of some smaller details.

-- Take all paintings, belongings, and family photos off of the walls. To make the room seem less sterile, put one or two back on the wall.

-- Restore walls to their original state. Holes and cracks left unfixed can concern a homebuyer who may not want to do a lot of repairs.

-- Pack away family keepsakes so potential buyers can see themselves and their family in the home.

-- Do a thorough cleaning of your home. Clean the carpet, scrub the walls and trim, and pick up all rooms.

Jean Robb